Can You Get a New Identity Legally?

What could be the reasons why more  and more people are changing their identity these days. They are doing it for various reasons. They’re doing it because they know that it’s the only real way to walk away from their personal problems. They’re creating a new identity for themselves so they can get a second chance at life.

The only way to get that second chance is to create a completely new identity – in a new name with a clean new credit record and full set of genuine documents. But there are many important steps to follow to have a clean identity change.

The very first step is to determine who you want to be. Determine what will you do for a living and what kind of job you will be in or what kind of business you will venture. Unless you are independently wealthy, you’ll have to think of your income. Decide where will you live, if you are a female decide on whom you will marry, what will be your attitude towards everything, and what lifestyle you will choose.

But you won’t be able to make a complete legal identity change without the help from the Government. Many people in the past used to change their identity by going to grave yards and finding the names of people who were about their age, but dead, and then assuming their identity and then applying for a social security card in their name and becoming them. This is illegal. You are probably creating a vast and complicated problem.

The Secret Identity Change Method They Don’t Want You to Know About
Identity change expert reveals a little-known technique on how to get a new identity and live under the radar (100% legal).

Get the government to provide you with a new identity. This is only possible under certain circumstances, you must be able to prove that your old number is being misused by someone else or that you’re a victim of domestic violence. Under these circumstances, you may be able to get a new Social Security number for no fee by visiting your local Social Security office. Changing your Social Security number is legal, so for the purposes of simply “starting over,” you won’t be able to change your SSN legally. This process will only be allowed if other options for resolving the problem have been exhausted.

Your SSN is important because a credit check is generally required to get new credit in your name. When a financial institution or business runs a detailed credit check on you, credit bureau policies commonly dictate that the inquiry cannot be made without a social security number. Remember that before changing your SSN you must change your name first and comes  with the change of driver’s license, ID and other pertinent documents.

Start a new life in a new place with your new name and new idenity away from friends. Don’t tell anyone what your new name is or where you are. Cut off all contact to lessen the chance that someone who knows your previous identity will accidentally expose your new identity. Give up old hobbies and take up new ones. You may want to change your hair color, wear colored contact lenses or give up wearing contacts for glasses to keep from being recognized. It might be tough starting a fresh and entirely different life from what you’ve used to but it is definitely rewarding.


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  1. exposed says

    I got a new identity 20 years ago in Australia; Social Security found the old name last year, then they exposed it with a link to my new name to the mongrel who attacked me.
    Matter of fact they sent out over 89 letters that detailed who I am (was), location & previous interests to all the people they contacted. Oh & let’s not forget they advised ebay, paypal, councils & the local pub.
    GUESS who has to start again??

  2. purpleskies says

    I am a victim of domestic violence looking for information on how to change my identity. I have finally left him and have protective orders (civil and military) against him and will be going to my court hearing for a permanent order. However, when I had left him in the past he showed up with a 45, so this time I need to ensure he does not find me. I am moving to a location after the hearing where he wouldn’t think of looking for me but he used to be a cop and chief of police and knows how to track people. Getting a new identity for me is not out of “want” but rather “need”. Thank you for the information on this site. It is a helpful start to this process.

  3. Apple says

    For me I would love to see some statistic how many people in the US got a new identity without the government and I am a rather positive person, however, the worst thing I have nobody to talk about my debt problem.

  4. Kiera Schlick says

    I love your blog.I am a rather positive person, however, the worst thing I have nobody to talk about my debt problem.

  5. Chuck Roelfs says

    I would love to see some statistic how many people in the US got a new identity without the government.

  6. Houston Rosmarin says

    Interesting web-site, I am thinking of acquiring a new Identity this year as well.

  7. Joya says

    I work 3 part time jobs, I make an average of $6 an hour. I use 70% of my salary to pay back my credit cards, automobile loan, and mortgage. Sometime I don’t have even enough cash to buy food. When I see those big bonuses those Wall Street guys get each year, I am definitely feeling so angry. They invest my hard earned dollars on exotic holidays, private jets, hookers etc. Life is genuinely not fair.

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